这是可用于下一个项目的React Native工具列表
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by Rajput Mehul

通过拉杰普特·梅胡尔(Rajput Mehul)

这是可用于下一个项目的React Native工具列表 (Here’s a list of React Native tools that you can use for your next project)

is a popular and extensively employed JavaScript framework code library. It is primarily used for building attractive user interfaces and allows JavaScript developers to build native mobile apps.

是一个流行且广泛使用JavaScript框架代码库。 它主要用于构建有吸引力的用户界面,并允许JavaScript开发人员构建本机移动应用程序。

One of the main reasons for React Native’s growing popularity is that it supports development for both Android as well as iOS.

React Native越来越受欢迎的主要原因之一是它支持Android和iOS的开发。

So, you don’t need separate developers to write across the different mobile platforms — one developer is enough to do the job.


React Native is known for its speed and efficiency. It is best suited for app and web development. It helps a lot in reducing the cost and time of application building.

React Native以其速度和效率而闻名。 它最适合应用程序和Web开发。 它在减少应用程序构建的成本和时间方面有很大帮助。

Moreover, it provides an easy and convenient environment for mobile while using the debugging tools.


There are various React Native tools which play a vital role in accelerating the speed of app development. Let’s have a look some important ones you can use in your next project.

有各种React Native工具在加快应用程序开发速度方面起着至关重要的作用。 让我们看一些可以在下一个项目中使用的重要元素。

1.原子 (1. Atom)

is a free and open-source text editor known for its easy approach and hackability. It has been developed by GitHub and was launched in February 2014. It readily supports Mac, Linux, as well as Windows.

是一个免费且开源的文本编辑器,以其简单易用和可破解性而闻名。 它是由GitHub开发的,于2014年2月发布。它随时支持Mac,Linux和Windows。

Moreover, it allows you to pick several open source packages for adding more features and functionality. The services include an in-built package manager, cross platform editing, multiple file navigation via a single window, bespoke designs, and themes.

而且,它允许您选择几个开源软件包来添加更多功能。 服务包括内置的程序包管理器,跨平台编辑,通过单个窗口的多个文件导航,定制设计和主题。

2.核素 (2. Nuclide)

is a free and open-source React Native tool that is developed usually as a single package on the top of Atom.

是一种免费的开源React Native工具,通常在Atom顶部以单个软件包的形式开发。

It offers hackability and the support of a large community of developers always ready to assist others. It comes with built-in support for Flow. It also includes inline errors, auto-complete and jump-to-definition features.

它提供了可入侵性,并为随时准备帮助他人的广大开发人员社区提供支持。 它带有对Flow的内置支持。 它还包括内联错误,自动完成功能和跳转到定义功能。

This React Native tool was developed and released by Facebook in 2015. It includes a plethora of services such as Remote and JavaScript development, Hack development, built-in debugging, working sets, mercurial support, task runner and so on.

这个React Native工具是由Facebook在2015年开发和发布的。它包括大量服务,例如远程和JavaScript开发,Hack开发,内置调试,工作集,软件支持,任务运行器等。

3. Visual Studio代码 (3. Visual Studio Code)

was created by software giant Microsoft. It is a robust React Native source code editor that is free and open-source.

是由软件巨头Microsoft创建的。 它是一个强大的React Native源代码编辑器,它是免费的和开源的。

For JavaScript developers, it supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js. It also offers a good ecosystem of extensions to support other languages including C++, C#, Java, PHP and Python, and runtimes like Unity and .NET.

对于JavaScript开发人员,它支持JavaScript,TypeScript和Node.js。 它还提供了一个良好的扩展生态系统,以支持其他语言,包括C ++,C#,Java,PHP和Python,以及诸如Unity和.NET的运行时。

What gives it real strength is the combination of source code editor and developer tools such as IntelliSense code completion and debugging. The tool was released in April 2015 and written in JavaScript and TypeScript.

源于它的真正优势是源代码编辑器和开发人员工具(例如IntelliSense代码完成和调试)的结合。 该工具于2015年4月发布,并使用JavaScript和TypeScript编写。

It supports all important platforms such as Mac, Linux, and Windows.


4.博览会 (4. Expo)

is an open-source toolchain for React Native developers.

是面向React Native开发人员的开源工具链。

It was developed by Expo and was introduced very recently in May last year. It offers a number of features such as documentation, a Slack community and community forums.

它是由Expo开发的,并于去年5月推出。 它提供了许多功能,例如文档,Slack社区和社区论坛。

Expo provides you with a rich source of React Native components, an Expo SDK library, and native APIs for both iOS and Android platforms.

Expo为您提供了丰富的React Native组件资源,Expo SDK库以及适用于iOS和Android平台的Native API。

5.流量 (5. Flow)

is yet another React Native programming tool that offers static typing. Facebook released it in November 2014 and since then it has provided speedy, reliable and simplified coding.

是另一个提供静态类型的React Native编程工具。 Facebook在2014年11月发布了它,从那时起,它提供了快速,可靠和简化的编码。

Flow is also free due to its open-source nature. It offers services like ease of integration, real-time feedback, customizable JavaScript and type inference.

由于其开源特性,Flow也免费。 它提供的服务包括易于集成,实时反馈,可自定义JavaScript和类型推断。

What’s interesting to note is that Flow monitors errors in the code with the help of static typing annotations.


6. Redux (6. Redux)

One of the reasons why Redux is highly recommended by the developer community is offers live code editing and a time-traveling debugger. You can develop applications that run in different environments such as the front-end and native platform.

开发人员社区强烈推荐Redux的原因之一是提供实时代码编辑和时间旅行调试器。 您可以开发在不同环境(例如前端和本机平台)中运行的应用程序。

The file size is only 2KB and as such it works well with React.js and other view libraries. The developers of Redux are Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark.

文件大小只有2KB,因此可以与React.js和其他视图库一起很好地工作。 Redux的开发者是Dan Abramov和Andrew Clark。

7. ESLint (7. ESLint)

that makes use of the JavaScript and JSX languages. It helps in the detection of the errors during the programming and exploring the existing source code.

使用JavaScript和JSX语言 。 它有助于在编程过程中检测错误并探索现有的源代码。

It operates on Node.js and supports the development of cross-platform apps such as Windows, Linux and Mac. In addition, it also offers some other advantages such as transparency, customized and built-in plugins, good and clear documentation etc.

它在Node.js上运行,并支持Windows,Linux和Mac等跨平台应用程序的开发。 此外,它还具有其他一些优点,例如透明性,自定义和内置的插件,良好而清晰的文档等。

The JS Foundation launched the ESLint with an intention to allow developers to have their own linting rules.


8.点燃 (8. Ignite)

is a React toolchain comprising of plugins and boilerplate. It is free open-source tool developed by Infinite Red and released in June 2016. It provides developers access to a number of boilerplates to choose from and help support the plugins.

是一个由插件和样板组成的React工具链。 它是由Infinite Red开发并于2016年6月发布的免费开源工具。它使开发人员可以访问许多样板,以选择并帮助支持插件。

The boilerplates support cross-platform app development both for iOS and Android. Ignite includes services for API testing, customizable themes, components, and usage examples.

这些样板支持针对iOS和Android的跨平台应用程序开发。 Ignite包括用于API测试的服务,可自定义的主题,组件和使用示例。

9. NativeBase (9. NativeBase)

is a free, open-source client-side framework tool that is indigenously used for developing cross-platform apps. It utilizes the components of React-Native and is beneficial for building cross-platform User Interface components, along with offering a native environment to create native apps.

是一个免费的开放源代码客户端框架工具,其本机用于开发跨平台应用程序。 它利用了React-Native的组件,有利于构建跨平台的用户界面组件,并提供了创建本机应用程序的本机环境。

It also offers you the advantage of using native third-party libraries. It was unveiled in 2016 by Greeky Ants.

它还为您提供了使用本机第三方库的优势。 它于2016年由Greeky Ants揭幕。

10. Reactotron (10. Reactotron)

is actually a desktop application that is also free and open-source. It is supported on different platforms such as Windows, Mac and Linux. It was developed by Infinite Red and made debut in 2016.

实际上是一个免费且开源的桌面应用程序。 Windows,Mac和Linux等不同平台都支持它。 它由Infinite Red开发,并于2016年首次亮相。

It helps to check React JS and React Native apps. In addition, it allows developers to keep a track of the status of the application, monitor the console.log messages, check API request and responses, dispatch actions and quick benchmarks.

它有助于检查React JS和React Native应用程序。 此外,它还允许开发人员跟踪应用程序的状态,监视console.log消息,检查API请求和响应,调度操作和快速基准测试。

11. Reduxsauce (11. Reduxsauce)

assists in making the job easier for the developers when they are working on Redux codebases. It assists in the creation of Reducers and Actions in Redux.

当开发人员在Redux代码库上工作时, 有助于工作。 它有助于在Redux中创建reducers和action。

With this efficient tool, you need just a few lines to code, which becomes easily legible. If you want to reset the Reducer, then Reduxsauce will prove to be a worthy asset. It can also deal with the Reducer Action in a single file. Infinite Red introduced it in May 2016. It is available free of cost.

使用这个高效的工具,您只需要编写几行代码,就可以轻松辨认。 如果您想重置Reducer,那么Reduxsauce将被证明是值得的资产。 它还可以在单​​个文件中处理Reducer Action。 Infinite Red于2016年5月推出了它。它免费提供。

12.React导航 (12. React Navigation)

has gained much popularity amongst the because it lets them establish the routes and navigation in their native applications with the help of navigators including Tab, Drawer and Stack.


It is written in JavaScript. It helps create components for both the iOS and Android platforms, and offers Extensible Platforms and bespoke JavaScript.

它是用JavaScript编写的。 它有助于为iOS和Android平台创建组件,并提供可扩展平台和定制JavaScript。

13. React Native工具 (13. React Native Tools)

is actually a Visual Studio Code extension. It offers a helpful environment for developing React Native projects.

实际上是Visual Studio Code扩展。 它为开发React Native项目提供了一个有用的环境。

It also supports developers during the code debugging process. The free tool runs the react-native command using the command palette. It has been developed by Microsoft.

它还在代码调试过程中为开发人员提供支持。 该免费工具使用命令面板运行react-native命令。 它是由Microsoft开发的。

14.视觉 (14. InVision)

is yet another free (as well as paid) open-source React-Native tool created by InVision in 2011. It is a digital tool that focuses on enhancing the user experience during the app designing process.


The services on offer include prototyping, animation, collaboration, and designing. The tariff plan charges start from $15 per month.

提供的服务包括原型制作,动画,协作和设计。 资费计划的费用从每月15美元起。

15.酶 (15. Enzyme)

that is readily used for testing apps. It becomes simpler to manipulate, traverse and asset the React Native components. The API is intuitive and flexible. Airbnb released this tool in 2015.

,可随时用于测试应用程序。 操作,遍历和使用React Native组件变得更加简单。 该API直观且灵活。 Airbnb于2015年发布了该工具。

16. Adob​​e XD (16. Adobe XD)

Adobe XD is a prototype designing tool that helps in developing the UI and UX designs for the websites or mobile apps at a much quicker pace. It has some instinctive tools that would improve the performance of the designers while working on the project.

Adobe XD是一种原型设计工具,可帮助以更快的速度开发网站或移动应用程序的UI和UX设计。 它具有一些本能工具,可以在进行项目时提高设计人员的性能。

The features such as Repeat Grid and flexible artboards save a lot of time for the developers. The presence of low fidelity wireframes helps to comprehensively develop an interactive prototype.

重复网格和灵活的画板等功能为开发人员节省了大量时间。 低保真线框的存在有助于全面开发交互式原型。

What’s more exciting to note is that you have the option of shifting from static layouts to dynamic prototypes with just a single click and even make suitable changes in your design. It is not free, and you need to pay $9.99 per month for availing the initial plan. It is developed by Adobe Systems and released in October 2017.

值得一提的是,您只需单击一下,就可以选择从静态布局转换为动态原型,甚至可以在设计中进行适当的更改。 它不是免费的,您需要每月支付9.99美元才能使用初始计划。 它由Adobe Systems开发并于2017年10月发布。

结论 (Conclusion)

React Native is one of today’s most preferred programming tools, thanks to the wonderful tools available for mobile and web developers.

由于移动和Web开发人员可以使用出色的工具,因此React Native是当今最受欢迎的编程工具之一。

All these tools are easy to use and maintain. They help the entire process of development — right from designing the prototype, developing the app, and finally the app testing.

所有这些工具都易于使用和维护。 他们为整个开发过程提供了帮助-从设计原型,开发应用程序到最终进行应用程序测试。

Moreover, most of these tools support cross-platform app development and can be used for both Android and iOS platforms.




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